Step by Step Sanskrit Learning Programme Month 7. Lesson 32. Ooooooo!! What fun! ( ˆÅþ þ þ words.)

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1 Lesson 32. Ooooooo!! What fun! ( ˆÅþ þ þ words.) Yup! Have resurfaced yet again! Trust you have had a wonderful Jan and Feb and are all set to continue with our lessons. Sanskrit Upasana has been a most rewarding experience and has equipped me with a greater insight into interactive teaching(or so i think!) i hope that it will reflect in my lessons henceforth. So keep your fingers crossed. Many more have joined us these last two months and to everyone of you a very warm welcome. Many more have reached lesson 31 and i think it's time we get back to work... There are plenty of ˆÅþ þ þ and ˆÅþ þ þ words that we could come across... Masculine: Šé² Guru, žþþ é sun, þ º Rahu, ˆ½Å é Ketu, é Raghu, œé² Puru, Feminine: šø é cow, ªþ é Sharayu, ½µé dust, þøé beak, é rope, é chin, Feminine: þšê bride/ daughter- in - law, þÿê army, þÿê plum, æþý» mother-in-law, þ ê body Neuter: Ÿþšé honey/ sweet, þ² wood, þþ é knee, þ é thing, þ é wealth, ýº teardrop, ªŸþýº beard, þþ é peak of a mountain. Supplement 20 will give you the declined forms of the masculine, the feminine and the neuter words. By now you will be quite comfortable with memorizing the will have realized how similar the tables all are. It's just a question of being comfortable with the words...that's all. Over to Appetizer Lesson 32 A. 207/228

2 Appetizer Lesson 32 A. Exercises with OO! Nouns/ Pronouns Verbs Avyayas Adjectives. Íøµþú bucket F þþ ú, Ÿþ¹ þþ woman. F úâþã 1.A.P. to give mantra deeksa þþ covered ˆ»Åœþ well M œï + á 1 U.P. to attack êœê anklet M/ F þÿþã + œþúûã (10. þ þ floor N ¹ Ÿþ N / é«þþ M snow ˆÅþˆÅ crow. M P.P. to press.) þžþ¹ þ: - þ - Note: Some and ˆÅþ þ þ words have already been introduced in concept lesson 32. Translate: 1. Our Guru gives us deeksha. 2. The villager pulled the bucket from the well with a rope. 3. The mother-in -law told the bride, "Wash the clothes, cook the dinner, wipe the floor and press my feet." ( T.V. serials do colour one's creativity, do they not?) 4. The lady went to the market to buy many things. 5. Krishna sat with Arjuna in the chariot between the two armies. 6. The Guru's grace is always on us. 7. The Himalaya's peaks are always covered with snow. 8. That cow's colour is white. 9. The crow attacked the cows with its beak. 10. The thief stole the anklets from the bride. 208/228

3 (Note: All this while, we have been translating "Guru" in the singular. Now that we have learnt the OO karant words, it is time to introduce a new concept... "Guru" is always spoken of in the plural. Even if i present English sentences with "Guru" in the singular, always translate it as plural.) 209/228

4 Appetizer Lesson 32 B. Answers to Lesson 32 A. 1. Our Guru gives us deeksha. Ÿþþˆ Å Šé þ: Ÿþþ þã / þ: úâþ ø 2. The villager pulled the bucket from the well with a rope. ŠÏþŸþ þ: þþ Íøµþì ˆ»Åœþþ þ㠈ūþÄ þã 3. The mother-in -law told the bride, "Wash the clothes, cook the dinner, wipe the floor and press my feet." æþý»: þš ù ˆÅ þ þ þã, " þ þþ¹µþ œïâþþ þ þ, žþøþ þ œþþ, þ þ ŸþþþÄ þ, ŸþŸþ œþþ ù þÿœþúû þ " 4. The lady went to the market to buy many things. Ÿþ¹ þþ / þþ ú þ ê¹ þ ÇÅ þµþþ þô ¹ þœþ¹µþÿþã ŠþŽ þã 5. Krishna sat with Arjuna in the chariot between the two armies. ˆ¼Å«µþ: éä ø þ þ þÿ þø: Ÿþš ø ø œþþ¹ þªþ þã 6. The Guru's grace is always on us. Šé³µþþŸþà éšï : þ þ Ÿþþ é ¹ þ 7. The Himalaya's peaks are always covered with snow. ¹ Ÿþþ þ þ þ þþ ê¹ þ þ þ ¹ Ÿø þ/ é«þþ ½µþ þžþ¹ þþ: þ¹ þ 8. That cow's colour is white. þ þþ: šø þø: / šø þþ: þµþä: æø þ: 9. The crow attacked the cows with its beak. ˆÅþˆÅ: þø þþ šø ê: œïþ þã 10. The thief stole the anklets from the bride. þø : þš þþ: êœê ù / êœê ½ þø þ þã 210/228

5 Lesson 33. þþ þ, þþ þ þ þ s O.K. folks, once we go through this lesson, we've more or less cracked it. These gems of þ þ s, make the language simpler still. Now you'll be able to say... Having studied, i am going to the garden to play. Having cooked a meal, she is eating it. œþ¹ú þþ, ÇÅú¹Û éÿþã Ôþþ þ ŠþŽþ¹Ÿþ žþøþ þ œþæ þþ, þþ þ þþ ¹ þ The idea that these þ þ s convey is " having done a particular action... OR doing a particular action)" Sounds incomplete? It sure does. These þ þ s cannot be used by themselves in a sentence without specifying what action has followed it. NOTE: Both þþ þ and þþ þ þ þ s convey the same meaning. Dhaatus are converted into a þþ þ avyaya if it does not begin with an upasarga. Dhaatus are converted into a þþ þ avyaya if it begins with an upasarga. So we have a ¹âþœ þþ and a œï¹âþœ þ both meaning "having thrown." Getit? An œþ + ¹ þªþã can only give rise to an œþ¹ þª þ, a þþ þ avyaya, simply because it begins with an upasarga. It can never have the þþ þ alternative. þ: þþ þþ is incomplete. It would mean...having bathed, he. What does he do having bathed? He reads. Therefore the correct sentence would be þþ þþ, þ: œþú¹ þ Since they are þ þ s, use them in any tense you'd like... þþ þþ, þ: œþú þã Also correct. Supplement 21 gives you a HUGE list of þþ þ and þþ þ þ þ s. If ever the going gets tough, use the þþ þ þ þ of the ˆ¼Å šþþ é... þþ þ ˆ¼Å þþ þ: œþú¹ þ œþú þ ˆ¼Å þþ, þ: ÇÅúÛ¹ þ ÇÅúÛ þ ˆ¼Å þþ þ: œé þ: Šþ¼ Ÿþà þšþž¹ þ Instead of /228

6 þþ þþ þ: œþú¹ þ œþ¹ú þþ þ: ÇÅúÛ¹ þ ÇÅú¹Û þþ þ: œé þ: Šþ¼ Ÿþà þšþž¹ þ (But if you ask me, that's plain chickening out of a situation that can, with a little effort, be mastered!) These avyayas also do some gluing stuff and bring two sentences together. For example: He ate. Then he read. þþ¹ þþ, þ: œþú þã Do you recall the words in the Šé²žþþ þ þø þÿþã... ¹âþ þþ Ÿþþ âþµø âþµø..? The Guru, having protected me at every moment... what does he then do? Read that particular line. Believe me, it will be a wonderful surprise when you discover that parts of stotras have slowly begun to make sense. As our vocabulary increases, the entire stotra will begin to unfold itself. And all the effort that has gone into working with Sanskrit this far would have been well worth it. 212/228

7 Appetizer Lesson 33 A. Exercises with þþ þ and þþ þ þ þ s. Nouns/ Pronouns Verbs Avyayas Adjectives ¹ / ¹ œé/ ªþ é enemy M œþ¹ + ¹ þ«þã (œþ¹ ø«þ þ¹ þ) 10.P.P. to serve at the table. œé : / œé þ: in front of Translate: 1. Having brought vegetables from the market, she placed them in the refrigerator. 2. Climbing the branches of the tree, the monkey again jumped off the tree onto the ground. 3. Having counted the coins, the rich man put them back into the cupboard. 4. The daughter - in - law, having done work, having cooked food, having served her mother - in - law, herself eats. 5. The king's army, having conquered the enemy(use plural), and having bound them, bring them to the king. 6. Having heard the student's question, the teacher wrote the answer on the blackboard. 7. Thus speaking, he kept silent( he stood silent) 8. Having bathed, having sat in front of the Devi, having praised Her, and having performed Her pooja, our Guru sat in meditation. 9. Renouncing( Having let go) wealth, family and home, he went to the forest. 10. Seeing the policeman, the thief ran away. 213/228

8 Appetizer Lesson 33 B. Answers to Lesson 33 A. Translated: 1. Having brought vegetables from the market, she placed them in the refrigerator. ¹ þœþµø: ªþþˆÅþ þã þ þú þ, þþ þþ þã ªþú þœø¹ùˆåþ þþÿþã þþœþ þ þã 2. Climbing the branches of the tree, the monkey again jumped off the tree onto the ground. þ¼âþ þ ªþþ þþ: þ³àþ, þþ þ : œé þ: þ¼âþþ þã žêÿþù ˆ»Å Ä þ 3. Having counted the coins, the rich man put them back into the cupboard. þþ þˆåþ¹ þ Šþµþ¹ þ þþ, šþ¹ þˆå: œé þ: þþ¹ þ ˆÅœþþÙ½ þþœþ þ þã 4. The daughter - in - law, having done work, having cooked food, having served food to her mother - in - law, herself eats. þšê:, ˆÅþ þô ˆ¼Å þþ, žþøþ þ œþæ þþ, æþý» žþøþ þ œþ¹ ø«þ, þ þ þþ ¹ þ 5. The king's army, having conquered the enemy(use plural), and having bound them, bring them to the king. žêœþ ø: þÿê:, ªþ ê þã ¹þ þþ, þþ þã þ Ú þþ, þþ þã žêœþ¹ þÿþã / žêœþ ø: œé þ: þ þ þ¹ þ 6. Having heard the student's question, the teacher wrote the answer on the blackboard. Žþ þ þ œïª þ ýº þþ, š þþœþˆå: ˆ¼Å«µþûÅ þˆ½å îþ Ÿþà ¹ þ þ þã 214/228

9 7. Thus speaking, he kept silent( he stood silent) þÿþã Æ þþ, þ: ꫵþúÿþã ¹ þ«ú þã 8. Having bathed, having sat in front of the Devi, having praised Her and having performed Her pooja, our Guru sat in meditation. þþ þþ, ½ þþ: œé þ: œþ¹ þª þ, þþ é þþ, þ þþ: œêþþ ˆ¼Å þþ, Ÿþþˆ Å Šé þ: š þþ ø œþþ¹ þªþ þã 9. Renouncing( Having let go) wealth, family and home, he went to the forest. šþ þ, ˆºÅÙºŸþ / þþ þþ þã / Šþ¼ þ þþ þã / Šþ¼ þ þæ þþ, þ: þ þÿþã ŠþŽ þã 10. Seeing the policeman, the thief ran away. þšþ âþˆ Å «Ùà þþ, þø : œþ þþ þ þ 215/228

10 Lesson 34. The ¹ þ¹šþ¹ þœã To tell you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, the ¹ þ¹šþ¹ þœã, when i first tried my hand at understanding it, totally foxed me. i was able to figure out this much The ¹ þ¹šþ¹ þœã ( the potential mood) is something like the þøùã þˆåþ ( the imperative mood.) It is NOT bound by the past, present or the future tense. It can be used, as it is, to express ideas in any time frame. 2. The ¹ þ¹šþ¹ þœã, words, help one to express a thought... as in, Buttermilk should be drunk after a meal. žþøþ þþ þ þ þç Å ¹œþø þã "You should rest for some time in the afternoons." Ÿþš þþí ø ¹ˆÅ¹Øþ þã- þÿþ ø ªþ þ þ ˆºÅ þþä þã "All children should pay their respects to their teachers." þþ þˆåþ: ø«þþÿþã š þþœþˆåþ þã þ þ ˆºÅ þäº: All politicians should be honest. þú¹ þ±þþ: þþ þþþþ þ: žþ ø é: Even though a thought has been expressed, even though one feels that something ought to be done, yet one can't be sure that those wishes will be that sense, these wishes aren't commands. One cannot use the þøùã þˆåþ then. One HAS to use the ¹ þ¹šþ¹ þœã 3. It converts you into Sherlock Holmes and helps you deduce things like.. "It should rain tomorrow!" æþ: þ«øä þã! We should win the cricket match. þ þ Šé¹ þˆåþçåúûþ þ øÿþ 4. It helps express obvious 'matter of fact stuff' /228

11 How can fishes live without water? Ÿþ þþ: þ ø þ ¹ þ þþ ˆÅ þ þú ø é:? How would I live without you? þ þþ ¹ þ þþ ˆÅ þ þú ø þÿþã? How will you pass the examination if you do not study? þ¹ žþ þþ þã þ œþú¹ þ, þ¹ Ä œþ úâþþ þþ ˆÅ þÿþã îþúµþä: žþ ø þã? 5. The þã šþþ é conveys the meaning " maybe" when used along with the other tenses...for example... He maybe waiting at the bus-stop for me. þ: ŸþŸþ ˆ¼Å ø þ þ þþ þ þþ þˆ½å œï þúâþþ ˆÅ ø¹ þ þþ þã I am not well but I maybe coming to school tomorrow. ŸþŸþ þþ þ þÿ þˆãå þþ¹ þ œþ é æþ: ¹ þôþþ þ þÿþã þšþžþ¹ÿþ þþÿþã...and so my efforts to fox the unfoxable continued. i began to list the expressions that would require me to use the ¹ þ¹šþ¹ þœã. And then a miracle happened. As my list grew, so did my understanding. i began to see how obvious it was to not confuse the þøùã þˆåþ with the ¹ þ¹šþ¹ þœã. And i also came across some lovely subhashitas where the ¹ þ¹šþ¹ þœã was used aplenty. I'll try and present a few of those subhashitas over the next few weeks to help you understand the ¹ þ¹šþ¹ þœã 's usage. And there is no time like the present. Go over our Subhashita section before you try your hand at the exercises. 217/228

12 Lesson 34. A. Exercises with the ¹ þ¹šþ¹ þœã Translate. Nouns/ Pronouns Verbs Avyayas Adjectives. tea N þþ þ more ¹šþˆÅ:- ˆ Å - ˆÅþ coffee F ˆÅþœþú unexpected þœø¹âþ þ: - þ - þþ guest M ¹ þ¹ þ meeting place N þžþþšþ¼ 1. During exams students should/must/ought to study. 2. The Guru should ask the boy a question. 3. A child ought to drink milk, not tea or coffee. 4. Your bag should have money. 5. You should cook a little more food. How else can you serve an unexpected guest? 6. Students should learn the Sanskrit language.( Every self respecting Indian worth his/her salt should be learning Sanskrit...if you ask me.) 7. In the meeting place of the learned, a fool ought to "wear" silence. 8. Becoming Shiva, (one) should worship Shiva. (use the word þþã 1. U.P. ) 9. How would I take a bath without water? 10. How could you go the library without me? 218/228

13 Lesson 34 B. Answers to Lesson 34 A...Exercises with the ¹ þ¹šþ¹ þœã 1. During exams students should/must/ought to study. œþ úâþþ þÿþ ø Žþ þþ: œþú½ é: 2. The Guru should ask the boy a question. Šé þ: þþ þˆ Å œïª þ œþ¼ž½ é: 3. A child ought to drink milk, not tea or coffee. ¹ªþªé: ºŠšþ ¹œþø þã þ þþ þ ˆÅþœþì þþ 4. Your bag should have money. žþ þ þþ:/ žþ þ þ: ê ø šþ þ žþ ø þã 5. You should cook a little more food. How else can you serve an unexpected guest? ¹ˆÅ¹Øþ þã ¹šþˆ Å žþøþ þ œþø þã þœþ½¹âþ þþ þ ¹ þ þ ø žþøþ þ ˆÅ þ œþ¹ ø«þ ø þã? 6. Students should learn the Sanskrit language. Žþ þþ: þ ˆ¼Å þžþþ«þþ œþú½ é: 7. In the meeting place of learned people, a fool ought to "wear" silence. œþ¹µû þþ þþ þžþþšþ¼ ½, Ÿê þä: Ÿþù þ šþþ ø þã 8. Becoming Shiva, (one) should worship Shiva. (use the word þþã 1. U.P. ) ¹ªþ þ žê þþ, ¹ªþ þ þø þã 9. How would I take a bath without water? þ ø þ ¹ þ þþ þþ þ ˆÅ þ ˆºÅ þþäÿþã? 219/228

14 10. How could you go the library without me? Ÿþ þã ¹ þ þþ žþ þþ þã ŠÏ þþ þ þ ˆÅ þ ŠþŽ½ þã? 220/228

15 Lesson 35. Adjectives. ¹ þªø«þµþ s An Adjective, a ¹ þªø«þµþ, is a word which tells you more about the noun. For example: A tiny baby, a dark cloud, a red sunset, a compassionate friend. One of the most beautiful ideas in Sanskrit expression is the adjective's firm sense of loyalty to the noun it is connected with. If the noun is masculine and is in the þ¼ þú þþ ¹ þžþ¹æ þ, the adjective is the same. If the noun is neuter and in the ¹ þú þþ ¹ þžþ¹æ þ, so is our loyal friend. If the noun is feminine and in the œþøþÿþú ¹ þžþ¹æ þ, so is the adjective. In that sense, both the pronoun þ þä þþÿþ, and the adjective ¹ þªø«þµþ, stick by the noun NO MATTER WHAT. Let us take the adjective Ÿþšé as an example. þ Ÿþþ þã Ÿþšé þ þã ûå þþ þã þ œïþœ þø¹ÿþ Ÿþšé þ ˆÅ þþ ýº þþ, ¹ þíþ ˆÅ ø¹ þ þþ þˆå: Ÿþšé þ ˆ¼Å«µþ þ þþµþú Ÿþšé þ ( Does the stotra šþ Ÿþšé þ þ þ Ÿþšé, reveal to you its beauty now?) Since words can be placed in any which way in a Sanskrit text or a shloka, to make sense of it, do the following: 1. Pick the verb first. 2. Pick the subject to go with the verb. 3. Pick the pronouns and the adjectives that are in the subject form (nominative case... the œï þÿþþ ¹ þžþ¹æ þ ) 4. Pick the rest of the nouns in the other cases. 5. Match the adjectives and the pronouns for each case. 6. Remember that all AkaraNt masculine adjective forms are declined like þÿþ: as in é :, AakaraNt / $karant feminine forms could be either Ÿþþ þþ or þ ú as in é þ or é ú, AkaraNt neuter forms are declined like ûå þÿþã as in é ŸþÃ. 221/228

16 7. If the root adjective is a consonant ending one or another vowel ending one other than the ones given above (for example mht! or bhu ) they will be declined differently..not to worry, I'll add those declensions as supplements when I introduce those ending words to you. So in case you wish to write " big world " you will be writing mhan! ivzv>, " big building" mht! _avnm!, and a" big garland" mhti mala, 8. Decipher! The best way to see if you have understood what i have tried to explain, is to try look at how one may translate a shloka from our Guru, Shiv or our Devi poojans. Trying to translate. ( with help) There is no way we would be able to move ahead in life without The Guru's Anugraha. So our very first translating session( even if it seems slightly difficult) will be the first Dhyan Shloka of the Guru Poojan. Seeking Swamiji's blessings, let us begin... ¹ þˆåÿþ þÿþš ø þö þ ¹ þ éÿéí šþ¼ þ¹ªþ þÿþ þšþþ þ þþšþˆåþ éšï þ þäÿþã ýº¹ þ¹ªþ ¹ þ¹ þžþþ þ þøšþÿþþ þäµûÿê¹ þô ªþ¹Ÿþ þ¹ þ¹ÿþ ªþøˆ Å ýúšé² žþþ þ þþ¹ÿþ 1 A quick look at the shloka and the verb žþþ þ þþ¹ÿþ stands out. The suffix ¹Ÿþ reveals to the decipherer that the one doing the žþþ þÿþã is ŸþÃ, I. žþþ þ þþ¹ÿþ... I contemplate lovingly. That becomes our first inference. Whom do i contemplate lovingly upon? We need a word in the ¹ þú þþ ¹ þžþ¹æ þ, the object form of a word. ýúšé² fits the bill to a T. There are many other words in the shloka that all fit into the ¹ þú þþ ¹ þžþ¹æ þ. So we assume that they are all adjectives of the word ýúšé²ÿþã You will see how many different words all come together to form a single one. This kind of sticking together is done with root words...for example, 222/228

17 instead of writing þÿþ þ žïþ þþ, i would write þÿþžïþ þþ and leave you to figure out what i actually mean. With plenty of reading, the process of figuring out what an author or a poet means, becomes easier. To get back to the translation on hand: þö þ ¹ þ éÿéí... the one who shows -þö, the Samvit Mudra - þ ¹ þ éÿéí, the chinmudra, ( the classical mudra wherein the forefinger touches the thumb to form a circle and the rest of the fingers stand upright in a gesture depicting complete knowledge.) šþ¼ þ¹ªþ þÿþ þšþþ þ... the one who possesses -šþ¼ þ, a body -Šþþ þ, that is strong, tangible and auspicious- ¹ªþ þÿþ þ. ýº¹ þ¹ªþ ¹ þ¹ þžþþ þ... Who is at the pinnacle- ¹ªþ ¹ þ, lustrous -¹ þžþþ þ in His knowledge of the Vedas, the sacred texts -ýº¹ þ. þøšþÿþþ þäµûÿê¹ þô... the one who is like the Sun- Ÿþþ þäµû, the epitome- Ÿê¹ þô, of knowledge -þøšþ ªþ¹Ÿþ þ¹ þ¹ÿþ ªþøˆ Å... The one who has destroyed -ªþ¹Ÿþ þ, darkness- ¹ þ¹ÿþ and sorrow -ªþøˆÅŸþà Two words have yet to be figured out. ¹ þˆåÿþ þÿþš ø and þþšþˆåþ éšï þ þäÿþã. The first is from the þœ þÿþú ¹ þžþ¹æ þ which tells you where the loving meditation is done. That has been inferred by catching a hold of the ø ending. Two- ¹, petalled - þ, lotus -ˆÅŸþ þ, in the middle- Ÿþš ø : the Ajna Chakra, which is between one's brows. And the þäÿþã ending in þþšþˆåþ éšï þ þäÿþã, tells you why the Guru is present in our lives. þþšþˆå + éšï + þäÿþã For the purpose of bestowing His Anugraha on a Sadhaka. So the entire translation would read: I contemplate lovingly, in my Ajna Chakra, The Guru, who is there to bestow His Anugraha on a Sadhaka. I meditate upon Him, who shows the Samvit Mudra; whose body is strong, tangible and auspicious; who is at the pinnacle, lustrous in His knowledge of the Vedas; who is like the Sun, the epitome of knowledge and who destroys darkness and sorrow. 223/228

18 To be able to do this does require some idea on how to appropriately break up a long word, made up of many different words, into smaller components. It can get tricky, but in time it soon begins to make sense. A dictionary helps enormously. Now, with your understanding of adjectives and how they are used, shall we try our hand at translating simple shlokas? Over to Lesson 35. A. 224/228

19 Appetizer Lesson 35 A. Trying to translate. (on your own!) Here are a few shlokas taken from stotras and our poojas. Don't be disheartened if it takes some time to figure out the meaning...the more we work at it, the better we get. Even if we are able to understand half the shloka, it is, honestly, something to be deeply grateful for. As we take our first steps forward, we, very slowly, begin the process of understanding HOW words are used in shlokas. Through repeated reading, things begin to fall in place. 1. þçå éµûÿþ þˆåþ þ ê þäˆåø¹ù þÿþœïžþ ¹ þ¹ þä þ ˆºÅ² Ÿø ½ þ þ þäˆåþ øä«é þ þä þ 2. þþ ½ þú þ þäžê ø«é Ÿþþ þ¼²œøµþ þ ¹ þ þþ þÿþ: þ ù þÿþ: þ ù þÿþ: þ ù þÿþø þÿþ: 3. ˆÅþ þ ù þ ¹ þ» ¹ Íþku» main þ žþæ þþ¹œþä þþ¹ þ ýúÿþþ þ: þùžþþš þþ¹ þ þ þúˆºå² (ýúÿþþ þ: is the form used when addressing the Mother.) 4. þ þþ þ þ þþ þþ¹ÿþ þ þþ þþ¹ÿþ ¹ þ þþä þÿþã œêþþ ù þ þ þþ þþ¹ÿþ âþÿþ þ œþ Ÿøæþ 5. âþÿþ þ ½ þ ½ øªþ âþÿþ þ žé þ øæþ þ þ œþþ þÿéø ¹ þ þ ¹ þäþ þþ žþ¹æ þ é Ÿø ******** 225/228

20 Appetizer Lesson 35 B. An Honest Attempt. 6. þçå éµûÿþ þˆåþ þ ê þäˆåø¹ù þÿþœïžþ ¹ þ¹ þä þ ˆºÅ² Ÿø ½ þ þ þäˆåþ øä«é þ þä þ ( ½ þ, þçå éµûÿþ þˆåþ þ, ê þäˆåø¹ù þÿþœïžþ, all are Sambodhan naturally, in the shloka the Lord is being addressed. The Ÿø tells me that it is "I" who am addressing the Lord.) My Lord ( Ÿø ½ þ ), O One with the crooked ( þçå ) face ( éµû ) and a big (Ÿþ þ ) body(ˆåþ þ ), O One who is as brilliant as( þÿþ + œïžþ ) a crore Suns ( ê þä ˆÅø¹Ù), always ( þ þä þ ) do (ˆºÅ² ) in all works ( þ þäˆåþ øä«é ) no obstruction ( ¹ þ¹ þä þ )...{Please remove all impediments which may arise in my work.} 7. þþ ½ þú þ þäžê ø«é Ÿþþ þ¼²œøµþ þ ¹ þ þþ þÿþ: þ ù þÿþ: þ ù þÿþ: þ ù þÿþø þÿþ: That Devi, who as Mother, is present in all living beings, salutations to Her ˆÅþ þ ù þ ¹ þ» ¹ Íþku» main þ žþæ þþ¹œþä þþ¹ þ ýúÿþþ þ: þùžþþš þþ¹ þ þ þúˆºå² ( Ÿþþ þ: is the form of address, sambodhan, of the root word Ÿþþ þ¼ meaning, Mother.) O Mother (ýúÿþþ þ:), accept ( þúˆºå² ) these auspicious substances ( þùžþþš þþ¹ þ ) kajal (ˆÅþ þ ), sindoor ( ¹ þ» ), turmeric ( ¹ Íþ) and þ kumkum (ku» m ), which have been offered with devotion (žþˆå þþ + ¹œþÄ þþ¹ þ) žþæ þþ¹œþä þþ¹ þ is the adjective of þùžþþš þþ¹ þ 9. þ þþ þ þ þþ þþ¹ÿþ þ þþ þþ¹ÿþ ¹ þ þþä þÿþã œêþþ ù þ þ þþ þþ¹ÿþ âþÿþ þ œþ Ÿøæþ 226/228

21 I do not know how to invite you ( call you), I do not know how to do an immersion, I do not know how to perform a Pooja, forgive me, O Lord. 10. âþÿþ þ ½ þ ½ øªþ âþÿþ þ žé þ øæþ þ þ œþþ þÿéø ¹ þ þ ¹ þäþ þþ žþ¹æ þ é Ÿø Forgive me O Lord of Lords, forgive me, O Lord of the Worlds. Let( é )my devotion( Ÿø žþ¹æ þ) remain constant( ¹ þäþ þþ ) at your( þ þ) lotus-feet( œþþ + Ÿéþ ) at all times( ¹ þ þ ) ¹ þäþ þþ is the adjective of žþ¹æ þ, therefore it takes the feminine form. If what i wanted constant was my faith, then it would become ¹ þäþ þ: ¹ þæþþ þ: 227/228

22 Summing up Month 7. We covered four new concepts in Month ˆÅþ þ þ words. 2. The use of Twaant and Lyabant Avyayas. 3. The Vidhilin 4. And the use of Adjectives. Amongst the lot, the Vidhilin probably needs more working with. In an attempt to give you a better idea on when the potential mood is used in sentence structures, a few subhashitas, post our Vidhilin lesson, will be Vidhilin based. More next month /228

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